[Tang-Residents] Welcome to Tang Hall

Brij M Bhushan brij at mit.edu
Sun Sep 4 12:51:46 EDT 2016

Dear residents,

Welcome to Tang Hall!

As you are settling in to your new home, we request you to check out our website - http://tang.mit.edu<http://tang.mit.edu/> . Here, you can find information about various aspects and facilities at Tang Hall.


  *   All most used links at one place
  *   Shuttle tracker
  *   Socials calendar for upcoming events

Some quick links to get you started:

  *   FAQ - http://tang.mit.edu/about/faq/
  *   Tang Hall cheat sheet - http://tang.mit.edu/about/tang-living-cheat-sheet/
  *   Laundry - http://tang.mit.edu/facilities/laundry/
  *   Gym and Music Room - http://tang.mit.edu/facilities/gym-and-music-room/
  *   Lounges and BBQ pits - http://tang.mit.edu/facilities/lounges/
  *   Waste Management - http://tang.mit.edu/facilities/tang_go_green/
  *   Front Desk - http://tang.mit.edu/facilities/front-desk/
  *   Filing a repair request - http://tang.mit.edu/facilities/maintenance-and-repairs/

There is also a search button on the navigation bar to search for specific terms.

If you are looking for some information but unable to find it or would like to give suggestions/feedback for the website or Tang hall in general, please use the contact form on the right sidebar on the website.

Wish you a pleasant stay in Tang Hall, and a successful study at MIT!


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