[Tang-Residents] Important: Housing undergraduates in Tang Hall

Parnika Agrawal parnika at mit.edu
Tue Nov 15 00:07:54 EST 2016

Dear Residents,

Thank you for coming to the meeting tonight and expressing your views on this. We found the meeting very helpful to gauge the general sentiment and discuss specific plan of action for the upcoming meeting with Dean Nelson.

For those of you who couldn't make it, could you please indicate your preference on this issue by checking the Yes/No boxes on the poster at your apartment doors. We understand that this is a very informal way of collecting your opinion. Therefore, we won't be using the numbers in any official communication. We just want to know which side the pendulum swings, if any.

If you have any comments or questions on this, please feel free to write to us at tang-government at mit.edu<mailto:tang-government at mit.edu>

Parnika Agrawal
On behalf of THRA

From: Parnika Agrawal
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2016 9:36 AM
To: tang-residents <tang-residents at mit.edu>
Cc: Dawn Anderson <colquitt at mit.edu>; Larry Anderson <landerso at mit.edu>; Michael J Collins <collinsm at mit.edu>; 'Eric Ma' <ericmajinglong at gmail.com>; Neelkanth Manoj Bardhan <bardhan at mit.edu>
Subject: Important: Housing undergraduates in Tang Hall

Dear Tang residents,

Tang Hall is at the verge of a critical change. As some of you might have heard, New House will be undergoing renovations in the next academic year<.%20http:/news.mit.edu/2016/new-house-to-undergo-wholesale-renovation-1107>. Tang has been approached as one of the dorms to host ~30 New House residents for the next 2 academic years.

This is a significant change for the graduate community at Tang Hall and we need to carefully weigh the pros and cons as we undergo this transition. We believe in showing solidarity and would love to support the undergraduate community in any way we can. At the same time, we are also concerned about how this would affect our dorm culture and availability of on-campus housing for graduate students.

The Tang government will be meeting with Dean of Student Life, Suzy Nelson on Wednesday (not Thursday as Dawn accidentally mentioned at the Brunch), Nov 16th at 5:30 PM to put forward these concerns. Before that, we want to know how you all feel about this change. We would like to invite you to an open meeting this Monday, Nov 14th at 9 PM in the 24th floor lounge right after the International Film and Dessert Night. Please RSVP<http://signup.mit.edu/122989056> so we know how many people to expect. Feel free to drop by even if you don't RSVP.

The Heads of House, Dawn and Larry Anderson and our House Manager, Michael Collins will be joining us to provide some context. Some of the specific things we need to discuss are:

1.      Formulate our concerns about undergraduates in Tang Hall

2.      Decide on a maximum no of undergraduates we would be OK with

3.      How to house them - separate floors or mixed? Which floors?

4.      What infrastructure upgrades we can ask for in return

5.      Timeline for those infrastructure upgrades

We want to make sure that your feelings and sentiments about this transition are reflected in our meeting with the Dean on Wednesday. If you have any questions and concerns, please feel free to reach out to any of us.

Parnika Agrawal
On behalf of Tang Hall Residents' Association (THRA)
tang-government at mit.edu<mailto:tang-government at mit.edu>

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