[Tang-Residents] Fwd: Westgate Lot closed Friday, May 5th

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Tue May 3 11:34:06 EDT 2016


The Westgate Parking Lot will be CLOSED at 7pm on Thursday,  May 5 and remain closed all day Friday, May 6 for an Institute Event. All vehicles must be removed from the Westgate Lot by Thursday evening at 7PM.  Parking will be available in the West Lot, Waverly Lot, NW32 Lot, 252 Albany Street Lot and the West Garage.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Larry Brutti
Operations Manager
MIT Parking and Transportation

Margaret Mahoney
Manager, Site Team

Information Systems & Technology (IS&T)
304 Vassar Street,  Bldg. W92-233A
Cambridge, Ma. 02139

Ph: 617-253-5930
Fx: 617-253-9661

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