[Tang-Residents] Sidney Pacific Officers

Larry Anderson landerso at mit.edu
Mon Mar 21 08:34:29 EDT 2016

Dear all,

Would you like to get involved in the largest graduate community at MIT and be part of a passionate team responsible for shaping a welcoming, inclusive, and vibrant community? Would you like to gain valuable leadership experience while at MIT?

Apply NOW<https://s-p.mit.edu/apply> to be a Sidney Pacific officer! (https://s-p.mit.edu/apply)

We encourage applications from students with a variety of backgrounds and experiences, and anyone eligible to live in single graduate housing next year may apply. Officers are guaranteed housing in Sidney Pacific during their tenure and enter an internal lottery to choose their rooms. If you have previously served as an officer at another dorm, your service at your previous dorm may be considered (at Housemasters’ review and discretion) toward obtaining continuing status at Sidney Pacific.

More information regarding the various officer positions can be found here<http://s-p.mit.edu/about_sp/officer_positions.php>. If you have any questions, please email spec at mit.edu<mailto:spec at mit.edu>. The deadline for officer application is March 21, 11:59 PM.

Kind regards,
Wen Jie Ong
SP President 2015-16
On behalf of Sidney Pacific Executive Council
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