[Tang-Residents] THRA monthly meeting, 2 May 2016, 8:45 pm, Tang 24th floor lounge

Yashovardhan Chati yschati at mit.edu
Fri Apr 29 10:00:05 EDT 2016

Hello residents
The THRA will have its May monthly meeting on Monday 2 May 2016 at 8:45 pm
in the 24th floor lounge. This will be the last monthly meeting of the
2015-16 board and the first one of the 2016-17 board.
The positions in parentheses refer to those for the THRA 2015-16 board.

The agenda is as follows:
1. Officer introductions (all) + mailing list updates (IT Chair): 10 mins
2. Review of April socials (social chairs and other event organizers) - 15
3. Upcoming May socials + signups + Tang social calendar (social chairs) +
posters on website (IT chair) - 10 mins
4. Reminder: asking professors for guest lecture social (all) - 3 mins
5. Residents’ survey for topics of interest for Tang lectures (President):
10 mins
6. Updates on maintenance and upkeep (suggestion boxes, gym, laundry room,
lounges, etc.) (Dorm coordinator, P&M chair, President) - 10 mins
7. Sending emails to residents about suggestions' resolution (Dorm
Coordinator) - 5 mins
8. THRA retreat  (President, Vice President) - 15 mins
9. Short address by new President to the new board (New President) - 10 mins
10. Reminder: documentation in G-drive (important points + post event
reports) (President) - 2 mins
11. Any other points to be discussed (all) - 5 mins

Please let me know by Sunday 5/1 night if you wish to attend the meeting.
The meeting is open to all Tang residents.

Yashovardhan Chati
THRA President 2015-16
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