[Tang-Residents] Deadline Tonight: Re-elections - Social Chair
Parnika Agrawal
parnika at mit.edu
Sat Apr 16 12:20:53 EDT 2016
Dear Tang residents,
Vote for your favorite Social Chair here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16zjRxYVfVe8Z7mn92rlJ25fOpXmbsZF_JcDFeeEJfgM/viewform?c=0&w=1> by tonight, Saturday, April 16th, 11:59 PM. Only people who did not cast their vote earlier must vote. If you haven’t received your 5-digit unique identifier code, email shelard at mit.edu or yschati at mit.edu<mailto:yschati at mit.edu>.
Parnika Agrawal
Vice President, THRA 2015-2016
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