[Tang-Residents] THRA September monthly meeting, Monday 14 September 2015, 9 am 24th floor lounge

Yashovardhan Chati yschati at mit.edu
Sat Sep 12 20:03:35 EDT 2015

Hello friends
The Tang Hall Residents Association (THRA) is the student governing council
of Tang Hall. We have our monthly meetings on the first working Monday of
each month and all Tang residents are eligible to attend the meeting
(though voting can be done only by the officers).
We will have our September monthly meeting on Monday 14 September 2015 at 9
am in the 24th floor lounge. The agenda is as follows:

1. Olympics review + filing for reimbursements: 10 min (sports chairs,
President, Treasurer)
2. Review of other socials + Upcoming socials (esp. brunch): 10 mins
(social chairs)
3. Floor captains and floor socials: 15 mins (President)
4. Website issues: 5 mins (IT chair)
5. Status of procards: 5 mins (Treasurer)
6. Any updates on green efforts: 5 mins (Recycling chair)
7. Updates on suggestion boxes: 5 mins (Dorm coordinator)
8. Updates on hubway installation: 5 mins (Pronoy)
9. Sending emails to new residents about dorm policies: 5 mins (All)
10. Know your THRA posters: 7 mins (Publicity chairs)
11. Upcoming surveys to be sent out: 5 mins (all)

+ open floor 10 mins

Please let me know by tomorrow (Sunday) night if you wish to attend the

Yashovardhan Chati
THRA President 2015-16
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