[Tang-Residents] IMPORTANT: Website is down

Eric Ma ericmajinglong at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 16:59:04 EST 2015

Hello Tang residents,

The Tang website is currently down. The error being given is something I've never encountered, so repairing it will need some time. 

Meanwhile, I'm cool to do some things manually:

Keycard Access requests - email Michael directly. If asking for gym room access, use the following form. 

Music room bookings - email me directly. I will update a google spreadsheet as a stop-gap measure.

24th floor lounge bookings - email me directly, cc social chairs. They have priority usage as their events are for all Tang. I will update the same spreadsheet as well. 

Repair requests - use Atlas. 

Laundry room - use LaundryView. 

Policies & other questions - email tang-government at mit.edu and tang-housemasters at mit.edu. 

I will keep everybody updated on the progress made towards fixing the website as I go along. If you would like to lend a hand, I'm happy to work with you as well, please contact me directly.

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