[Tang-Residents] THRA Monthly Meeting, Monday 3 August 2015, 9 pm, 1st floor lounge

Yashovardhan Chati yschati at mit.edu
Thu Jul 30 21:10:23 EDT 2015

Dear residents
The Tang Hall Residents' Association (THRA) will have its August meeting on
Monday 3 August at 9 pm in the 1st floor lounge.

1. Action on July agenda: 10 mins
  a. Uploading post event reports on the website (IT chair)
  b. Status of pro-cards, pressing financial matters (treasurer)
  c. Social/sports cabinet keys for new officers (president)
2. Feedback on July socials, upcoming events in August and September and
signups (social chairs): 15 mins
3. Planning of the Orientation Olympics (sports chairs): 25 mins
4. Progress on the Hubway program + bike survey (Pronoy): 10 mins
5. Discussion on suggestions from suggestion boxes (dorm coordinator): 10
6. Results of the food preferences survey (dorm coordinator): 10 mins
7. Updates of the composting program, purchasing of compostable utensils,
GSC sustainability meeting (recycling chair): 7 mins
8. Problems in publicity reminders (president): 5 mins
9. Updates on any GSC meetings (GSC representative): 5 mins

If you are interested in attending the meeting*, please let me know by
Sunday* *2 August*.

Yashovardhan Chati
President, THRA 2015-16
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