[Tang-Residents] Blizzard's coming this weekend

Dawn Anderson colquitt at mit.edu
Fri Feb 13 06:38:37 EST 2015

Here we go again Tang!

Another blizzard is coming.  It will start Saturday morning and last until Sunday afternoon. Please prepare to be indoors during this time.  That means shop for your meals and schedule your weekend travel around what is sure to be challenging road conditions (about a foot of snow and very strong winds).


Although I can not guarantee a meal, I can keep the lounge set up for coffee and tea, set out games and anyone can host a movie (hint to resident with the entire series of MASH).  Maybe we can do an Oscar nominated movie marathon or a dorm wide scavenger hunt.  I invite suggestions.

Until then, layer up;  get to Trader Joes before shelves empty and stay safe as you are walking around the tall snow banks.  It is harder for drivers to see you.


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