[Tang-Residents] THRA candidates and Election Social tomorrow 9 pm

Sivaraman Ramaswamy rsivaram at mit.edu
Tue Apr 14 23:29:33 EDT 2015

Hello Tang residents,

The list of candidates for the THRA Elections 2015-16 can be accessed here
- http://tang.mit.edu/2015/04/14/vote-in-the-tang-elections-2015/

The above link contains the names and details of the candidates, and their
order of preferences for the various positions.

We will have our *Election Social* as a part of the Coffee Hour tomorrow at
9 pm, where the candidates will tell us their ideas for Tang. We encourage
all of you to come, interact with the candidates and make an informed
decision while voting.

The voting will start at 10 pm tomorrow night, immediately after the
Election Social.

See you all there.

Vice-President, THRA
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