[Tang-Residents] Important points regarding Tang GYM

Yashovardhan Chati yschati at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 9 10:47:34 EDT 2014

Hello friends
Please keep in mind the following important points regarding the Tang  gym:.

a. Never keep the door knobs unlocked. This compromises the security of the
gym equipment. Before leaving the gym, please check that both the gym doors
are properly locked.
b. Please return all equipment to its proper place. This helps other users
in locating the equipment. Never carry any equipment outside the gym.
c. Please turn off lights and fans before leaving the gym. Many times
lights and fans have been found to be on the whole night. Let's all
conserve energy.

Please take a moment to check the above before leaving the gym so that
everybody has a good gym experience.

Thank you.

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