[Tang-Residents] Security

Dawn Anderson colquitt at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 13 16:19:33 EST 2014

Happy 2014 Tang:

Hope it is off to a good start so far.  With the new year comes new residents and the need to remind everyone to be vigilant about dorm security.  Below is a list of things residents can do to discourage intruders:

-  Lock apartment doors at all times.
-  Discourage non-residents from tailgating into the building when you enter.
-  Become familiar with the faces of the maintenance crew.  A group photo is in the display case on the 1st floor.
-  Call police immediately when you spot something unusual or suspicious.  Ext:  31212
-  Control all guests and make sure they respect dorm property and policies.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me or the house manager, Michael Collins (35146).

Dawn Anderson,
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