[Tang-Residents] Fwd: Two Day Intensive Beginner Tango Bootcamp, Sep 7-8, 2013

Yashovardhan Chati yschati at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 4 10:53:22 EDT 2013


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dimiter Valentinov Ostrev <ostrev at mit.edu>
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 7:28 PM
Subject: Two Day Intensive Beginner Tango Bootcamp, Sep 7-8, 2013
To: grad-dorm-officers <grad-dorm-officers at exchange.mit.edu>

 Hi Grad Dorm Officers,

Could you forward the announcement below to your lists? Thanks!

Best wishes,


 Two Day Intensive Beginner Tango Bootcamp
*What*: Two Day Intensive Beginner Tango Bootcamp
*When*: September 7-8, 2013
*Where*: W20-491, W20-Lobdell
*Contact*: tango at mit.edu

   - Intensive two day introduction to Argentine Tango designed to get you
   from no dancing to tango in two quick days
   - No dance partner or experience needed
   - Space is limited: the bootcamps have been wildly popular in the past
   so be sure to sign up now
   - Check out 2011 IAP bootcamp demonstration video: http://goo.gl/CxdMLM
   - To register, visit http://tango.mit.edu/workshops/bootcamp.php
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