[Tang-Residents] Thanksgiving Feast on few minutes

Sivaraman Ramaswamy rsivaram at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 28 15:48:45 EST 2013

Hello Tang residents,

A reminder for people who RSVP'ed -  food will be ready in few minutes in the 24th floor lounge. Don't forget to get your own plates and utensils.

Happy Thanksgiving!
From: tang-residents-bounces at MIT.EDU [tang-residents-bounces at MIT.EDU] on behalf of Sivaraman Ramaswamy [rsivaram at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:16 AM
To: tang-residents at mit.edu
Subject: Re: [Tang-Residents] Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday Nov 28th

Hello Tang Residents,

Good morning! A friendly reminder to RSVP today before NOON for the Thanksgiving Feast.

From: tang-residents-bounces at MIT.EDU [tang-residents-bounces at MIT.EDU] on behalf of Sivaraman Ramaswamy [rsivaram at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 10:49 PM
To: tang-residents at mit.edu
Subject: [Tang-Residents] Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday Nov 28th

Hello Tang Residents,

For all you people who will miss going home this Thanksgiving, worry not! Tang Housemasters, Larry and Dawn Anderson, would like to invite you to the Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday, November 28th from 4 pm to 6 pm at the 24th floor lounge.

Please RSVP here latest by Wednesday, November 27th NOON.

Please bring your own plates and utensils.


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