[Tang-Residents] Part time Tang Desk help

Michael J Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 4 09:23:01 EST 2013

Are you interested in working part time at the Tang Desk?  If you enjoy working with people, are detail oriented, and excel at organizing and problem-solving, you may be a good fit for the Tang Desk.  We have early morning hours and a few daytime hours now available.  You can work as little as 5 hours per week, or up to 15 hours per week.  Pay is $9.50/hour.

If you are interested, please send an email to tangdeskcaptain at gmail.com<mailto:tangdeskcaptain at gmail.com> for an application and to set up a time for an interview.  You can also stop by the Tang Desk and pick up an application.

Thank you!

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