[Tang-Residents] All bedrooms in B3 and B4 and E3 and E4

Michael J Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 25 10:16:15 EDT 2013


The summer heating project is continuing and facilities along with my staff on FRIDAY 6/28/13 after 9:30 am will have to enter all floors, all bedrooms in B3 and B4 and in E3 and E4 to shut off the valves located in the corner of the room behind the metal access panel. They should be in the room less a minute. We will lock up immediately and will not have to return until sometime in September.

Thanks for your patience and understanding as the upgrades continue


Subject: Bedroom Heating  work to be done in and  bedrooms
Importance: High


Now that the heating system is off  and drained ,I send this email to inform you that over the summer heating repairs are ongoing to upgrade the system and prevent problems that may occur over the winter.
Residents living in any bedrooms D2 D3 and A2 all floors will be effected in the near future starting on the 23rd floor working down over the summer.

You do not have to be present and I will have a staff member with the contractors to let them in.  Things will be covered and protected.

We will clean up after they finish each day. I am hoping it will only take one day in the D 2 and D3 bedrooms, and a half day in the A2 Bedrooms  but its possible my run into the next day. If that is the case then after the first day we will put things back as neat as possible.  The covers of the heat located under your windows are being removed to change expansion vales  in the heating line which usually causes a problem in the winter.

If you could possible slide  your things away from the window wall and bring them closer to the closet prior to we arrive then it would be helpful. If you are unable to move your things my staff will do it and put it back.

Starting time will be 9:30 am. We will make sure we cover things if we have to and also make sure we clean up when they are done.

Appreciate your understanding for this project and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate.
Thanks for your patience and understand

Michael Collins

House Operations Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tang Residence Hall W84-104
Westgate Family Apartments
Housing Department
Office Tele. 617-253-5146
Office Fax   617-253-5094

Link for dorm repairs:

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