[Tang-Residents] FW: Facade Review

Michael J Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 18 06:42:59 EDT 2013


Dear Westgate high-rise and Tang Hall Residents:

The Department of Facilities is continuing its inspections of the exterior facades of all buildings on campus.

They are in the planning stages of conducting an in-depth inspection of the Westgate & Tang high-rise buildings during the month of August.

The work will consist of multiple lifts spanning the outside of the building.

The workman will install vertical lifts to hang over each side of the building for their evaluation and will work 7AM to 3PM each day.

For privacy, please close shades when the lift is near your window.

Visual Inspections (binoculars and camera from grade) for W85, Westgate high-rise will be done this Friday, 7/19, and W84, Tang Hall on Monday, 7/22.  The visual inspections will help coordinate the areas of the building that should be addressed first.

If you have any questions or concerns please send them to me and I will reach out to the Facilities Project Manager in charge of the project.



Dennis Collins
Director of Residential life for
Capital Renewal and Construction
Division of Student Life | Office of Residential Life & Dining
201 Vassar Street (W59-215) Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-253-5145 | Fax: 617-258-8163

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