[Tang-Residents] Saturday brunch, and some important information for everyone
Harshad Dilip Khadilkar
harshadk at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 5 01:55:05 EST 2013
Hi all,
Welcome to the Spring 2013 semester! If this is your first semester at MIT, welcome to Tang Hall as well! Tradition dictates that we go through a few important announcements at the start of every semester, so here we go:
1. Brunch, Saturday morning:
Following suggestions to move the brunch from Sundays to Saturdays, this semester's welcome brunch is going to be held in the 24th floor lounge on Saturday morning. The exact time will be announced by the social chairs soon. We are going to shake loose our purse strings just like last time and whip up some awesome grub. Remember to bring your own plates, cups and cutlery to Tang social events, and also to hang around long enough to chat with your fellow residents!
2. For new residents, and for old (in every sense of the word) residents who haven't yet done so, remember to join the Tang Hall Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/tanghall/). This will help you with a lot of things, from finding people with similar hobbies, to airing your grievances, and to learning about upcoming social events.
3. If you want to know about access to facilities such as the lounge, music room, or the gym, do drop in during the brunch. The relevant members of the THRA will be available to answer any questions.
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