[Tang-Residents] Tang Hall Security

Dawn Anderson colquitt at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 13 21:57:48 EDT 2013

Subject: Security Enhancements in Tang Hall

Dear Tang Hall Residents,

We hope you’re having a productive summer! As you start turning your mind to the fall semester, we want to let you know about some building security enhancements that are being implemented soon. But first, a little background.

In 2012 the Division of Student Life brought together a number of undergraduate and graduate students, housemasters, MIT Police, the Security and Emergency Management Office (SEMO), and DSL staff to review security policies, procedures, and mechanisms in undergraduate and graduate residences. In the process they developed a list of important short- and long-term recommendations intended to balance safety, openness, and convenience.

Our building is one of two graduate residences receiving these enhancements and you will see some changes when you get back, most notably a few procedural changes for everyone who lives in the building, including:

  *   You will need to get in the habit of carrying your ID with you at all times.
  *   Each time you come through the front door, please tap your ID onto a card reader so we know you’re in the building.
  *   Most other doors will be converted to exit-only doors, though some may be accessible by residents after checking after identifying yourself to security.

In the meantime please read more details at the program website<http://studentlife.mit.edu/studentlife.mit.edu/reslifeanddining/news/residencehallsecurity>. As always please contact us with any questions.

Thanks and see you soon!

Larry and Dawn Anderson, Tang Hall Housemasters
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