[Tang-Residents] Support Thirsty Ear

Naga Neehar Dingari nneehar at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 12 10:59:16 EDT 2013


Naga Neehar.
From: Jamison Go [jamisong at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 10:57 AM
To: tanghall-officers at mit.edu
Subject: Support Thirsty Ear

Can you forward this to the social mailing list? comes from chris Foy of the thirsty ear

Hello, would you like to show your support for the Thirsty Ear? Would you like free Icecream and cake? Got nothing better to do on a Sunday? The Thirsty Ear is holding its annual BBQ on August 25th from 2 pm to 6pm, with prep starting at noon and cleaning starting at 6pm. We really need the communities help to pull this off as we are expecting an estimated 600 people to attend. This event is very important for the Thirsty Year as it boosts recognition among the incoming class. I hope to see there, August 25th.

P.S. If you cannot volunteer the whole day, you can signup for individual shifts. http://signup.mit.edu/1446880801
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