[Tang-Residents] Activity Announcement: Teach for Splash!

Vikramaditya G. Yadav vgyadav at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 25 21:37:08 EDT 2012

Teach ANYTHING for Splash!

Want to inflict your hobbies on others?  Start a whirlwind of learning?
 Ever wanted to give a class on Hamiltonian mechanics, subversive humor, or
the psychology of parakeets?  Do you want to make tons of duct tape belts
or a giant rubber-band web, or conscript kids to build with 20,000 LEGOs?

If any of that sounded like fun to you, then you can get your chance November
17th - 18th!

Splash is a two-day learning extravaganza for middle- and high-school students,
organized by the MIT Educational Studies Program. About 3000 excited kids
come to the MIT campus to take classes taught by the MIT community—namely,
you!  You can teach a class on anything you want, for as long as you want,
and whenever you're free.

Visit <esp.mit.edu/teach/Splash/2011/teacherreg> to register your classes!
Registration closes September 28th.

Want to learn more before registering a class?  Visit <
esp.mit.edu/teach/Splash/index.html>, or send email to splash at mit.edu.
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