[Tang-Residents] Tang House Tax Referendum, tonight at 8:30 pm
Harshad Dilip Khadilkar
harshadk at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 14 13:31:27 EST 2012
Dear all,
Tang Hall is proposing to align with the funding practices followed by all the other graduate dorms at MIT, and levy a small monthly house tax. Traditionally, we have received a fixed sum of money per semester as 'housemasters account funds', which we use for our socials, minor maintenance and so on. This source is soon to be discontinued in the interest of uniformity across the institute.
Before we institute this house tax, we would like your opinion on the matter. The proposed value for Tang is $2 per head per month, as opposed to $5 per head per month for the other grad dorms. Note that this will introduce not only transparency with regard to THRA spending, but will also be greatly beneficial to the quality of our social events as well as facilities. Here are just some of the benefits, all for the equivalent of one coffee a month:
1. Liked the fully catered professional brunch last month? We could do that sort of thing more often!
2. We could have better food at all the other socials, as well as more frequent socials/coffee hours.
3. All our accounts will be available for perusal to all residents. If you notice any inefficiencies, we would be happy to discuss possible solutions with you.
4. If we run up a surplus, you would have the chance to suggest ways to spend it on stuff that would make everyone's stay better. Examples: Sports equipment, gym equipment, funds for beautification of Tang's interiors/lawns, and so on.
So in summary, come up to the 24th floor lounge tonight, between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm, to log your vote (yes/no). If you cannot make it during that time, voting will be available online for a period of two weeks at tang.mit.edu. When the site asks for a password, enter 'tang_house_tax'. Make sure you have your voice heard!
THRA and the housemasters
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