[Tang-residents] Tang Hall Residents' Assoc. Officer Applications

Vikramaditya G. Yadav vgyadav at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 28 13:39:00 EDT 2012

Dear residents,

Hope you are enjoying spring break and a well-deserved vacation.

I am writing to you to encourage you to apply to be a part of Tang Hall's
student government for the upcoming year. Those of you who have been
regular attendees of the dormitory brunches, socials and outings might be
familiar with some of the workings of the government. Being an officer at
Tang Hall is a fun experience and you get to play an active part in
improving the social life at Tang. If you like to organize and participate
in events, enjoy working with a group of like-minded individuals or have
cool ideas about events that you would like to be implemented, please apply
to be a part of the government.

One of the many perks of the job is the opportunity to live in any room in
the building. Those big apartments with a full-view of the river and
downtown. You could live in one of those with room-mates of your choice.
Inviting enough? Please follow the instructions in the attached application
form and do contact me if you have any questions. The deadline to apply is
next Friday, April 6.

We will also be having an information session (with ice cream, of course)
next Wednesday, April 4. Hope to see many of you there.

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