[Tang-residents] FW: Choose to reuse Th Jan 19 Stata center
Dawn Anderson
colquitt at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 18 17:10:30 EST 2012
FYI Tang.
From: Rosalie Belanger-Rioux [ro_br at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 1:27 PM
To: tang-government at mit.edu
Subject: Choose to reuse Th Jan 19 Stata center
Hello, please advertise this amazing MIT event to your constituency, thanks!
Come and pick up free stuff!!!!
Greetings Everyone,
Join us at our Choose to Reuse event on Thursday, January 19 in the Stata
Center and get free stuff.
Bring in clean, reusable items such as clothes, mugs, magazines, or whatever
you don't have space for anymore. If you're not sure what condition an item
should be in, consider this: if you wouldn't buy it at a thrift store, then
don't bring it.
Drop-off for Choose to Reuse begins at 8:00 AM in the big white lobby in
Stata at the corner of Main and Vassar Streets. The event starts at 11:00 AM
and ends at 1:00 PM. Everything that remains will be donated or recycled by
the Department of Facilities Recycling Program.
You don't have to give to get. Our goal is to extend the life of stuff.
Everything is free!
See you there,
Ruth Davis, Co-Chair, Working Green Committee
Nancy Kim, Rosalie Belanger-Rioux, and Karina Lia Penedo Silvester,
Sustainability at MIT
Every third Thursday: Choose to Reuse:
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