[Tang-residents] City of Cambridge Census - Please distribute to your building list

Michael J Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 12 10:53:31 EST 2012

Dear On Campus Resident:

The Cambridge election Commission conducts an annual census of the population of Cambridge.  We are required by law to comply with this request.  Your name, address and date of birth are included in the information provided to the City.  This information becomes a public record.

All residents of Cambridge, including those living in campus housing, are automatically eligible to be called to serve as a juror.  According to the information provided to MIT by the Election Commission, providing this census data to the City should not appreciably affect the probability of your being called for jury duty.

For further information on the Census and the Cambridge Election Commission, please visit their web site:  http://www.cambridgema.gov/election/FAQ/annualcitycensusfaq.aspx.  For further information on the regulations go here:  http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleVIII/Chapter51/Section4

We are writing to inform you that this information is going to be provided to the City in January.  You cannot opt out of this.  It is vital that the City has an accurate count of it's residents in order to secure federal funding, to ensure adequate transit options and to maintain our schools and roads.  You live here and must be included in this annual count.

I can be reached at 3-4449 or emailed to general at mit.edu if you have further questions.

Have a safe winter break!

Linda Patton
Assistant Director
MIT Off Campus Housing Service
617-258-8163 (fax)
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