[Tang-residents] FW: Bike Auction

Michael J Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 26 09:47:58 EDT 2011

From: parkinfo-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:parkinfo-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Robynn Cruz
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 9:39 AM
To: mitbike at mit.edu; parkinfo at mit.edu
Subject: [Parkinfo] Bike Auction

MIT Police and Parking Office Hold Bike Auction

On Monday, October 31, the MIT Police and the Parking & Transportation Office will hold a bicycle auction of old and abandoned bicycles. The auction will begin at noon at 290 Albany Street in Cambridge. The lot will open at 11:30AM for a preview of the bicycles that are up for auction. Proceeds from the auction go towards campus bicycle initiatives.

Note: A valid and current MIT ID is required to participate. Payment options include cash or local check with proper ID. For more information about the bicycle auction, email commuting at mit.edu<mailto:commuting at mit.edu>.

Robynn Cruz
Commuter Connections Counselor
Parking & Transportation Office
T: 617-253-4754
F: 617-258-6357
E: rcruz at mit.edu<mailto:rcruz at mit.edu>

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