[Tang-residents] Smoking and Overnight Guest Policy

Dawn Anderson colquitt at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 2 19:35:49 EST 2011

Hello Tang Hall Residents (old and new):

Now that 2011 IAP is over, new residents have moved in and mother nature insist
on providing incentives to stay in doors, it seems appropriate to remind
everyone of two very important Tang Hall policies - No smoking and Overnight

1)  There is no smoking anywhere inside of Tang Hall.  Smoke travels very easy
up our stairwells, through the vents and out one window and into other
apartments.  Please make sure that all guests respect our smoke free zone and
we encourage residents to continue reporting individuals who do not.

2)  Speaking of guests, the over-night guest policy for Tang Hall is (link

These policies are in place, not to police you, but to maintain harmony in this
Tower of Babel by understanding and respecting your neighbors.

Stay warm,
Dawn Anderson

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