[Tang-residents] 'MIT Endicott House' Fall Plant Sale @ Student Center on 9/15 & 9/16

Amrit Jalan amrit at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 10 13:39:16 EDT 2010

Tang Residents,

MIT Endicott House will be having a plant sale outside the Student Center next week on Wednesday and Thursday (9/15-9/16) from 9am to 2pm. This is the perfect place to buy plants to decorate your apartments in Tang. The plants are often very reasonably priced and super convenient being right on campus.

I encourage everyone to buy a plant for their room, not only are plants aethetically pleasing but they will also make your living space healthier (see TED talk: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/kamal_meattle_on_how_to_grow_your_own_fresh_air.html), which is important with fall already coming around the corner and winter following soon after. When buying plants for indoors, I encourage you talk to the people selling the plants to ask which ones grow best inside. Indoor plants typically do not need to be watered often (just once a week) and do not need lots of sunlight. Outdoor plants typically will not survive inside because there is not enough sunlight and will often cause disappointment. Some good examples of indoor plants are listed in the TED talk and can also be easily googled, "indoor plants."

Ellann Cohen,
Tang Gardening Chair

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