[Tang-residents] Heavy Wind and Rain Water
Michael J Collins
collinsm at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 16 09:51:47 EDT 2010
MIT cable is out of service in Tang Hall and other building on campus until further notice
From: tang-residents-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:tang-residents-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Michael J Collins
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 7:35 AM
To: tang-residents at mit.edu
Subject: [Tang-residents] Heavy Wind and Rain Water
Importance: High
I realize the heavy rain and wind has caused lots of problems to several apartments, common areas and storage areas.
Many apartments are receiving rain from either their own air conditioner, from the air conditioner next door or above or where an air conditioner is installed.
I will be working with Facilities and other contractors as well as working with my staff to help answer and help resolve these calls.
This work will be continuing all week and into next week but most of the work will have to be done after the rain stops and its give a chance to dry.
I ask for your patience and your help as this storms continues while the Department of Housing works on resolving these issues.
Thank you
Michael Collins
House Operations Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tang Residence Hall W84-104
Westgate Family Apartments
Housing Department
Office Tele. 617-253-5146
Office Fax 617-253-5094
Link for dorm repairs:
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