[Tang-residents] Fwd: Recyclemania! Update

Vikramaditya G. Yadav vgyadav at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 11 22:16:05 EST 2010

*Message from Tang Hall's Environment Representative:*

Dear Tang,

Recyclemania continues! The scores for Week 6 (Feb. 21-Feb. 27) just came
out – here they are, broken down by competition category.  It's time to make
a final strong push, since we only have a week and a half more of the
competition!  So, what are our stats?

1. *Grand Champion (Judged by recycling rate: How much are we recycling
compared to the total waste we generate?)*
* 29.21%*
   Ranking: 100 out of 260

2. *Per Capita Classic (How much paper, cardboard, cans and bottles are we
recycling per person?)*
* 10.61 lbs per person through Week 6*
    Ranking: 47 out of 340

3. *Waste Minimization (How much waste, recyclables and trash combined, are
we generating per person?  Here, less is more.) ***
* 36.34 lbs per person through Week 6*
 Ranking: 158 out of 197

** (Harvard is beating us in all but *this ONE category* – here, we're
dominating!  But even in some of the other categories, Harvard isn't winning
by much; we're only 10 places behind them in the Grand Champion division,
and we came in 9th to their 8th last year.  We can definitely take 'em.)

4. *Gorilla Prize (How much, by weight, are we recycling? Big schools have
an obscene advantage in this one.)*
* 222,216 lbs through Week 6*
 Ranking: 28 out of 340

*5. Compost (NEW category!)*
* 0.31 lb per person through Week 6*
 Ranking: 89 out of 115

*Important recycling reminders:*

   1. Pizza boxes are NOT recyclable, but they are COMPOSTABLE.  Take them
   to Stata or the Infinite to find compost bins.  A great way to
   start  composting yourself is to put your food scraps in a container or
   tupperware and store it in the freezer (no smell!) until you're ready to
   take it to a designated bin.
   2. Soy milk / soup containers ARE recyclable.
   3. Place plastic bags in the special thin, green recycling bin in the
   Tang lobby to recycle them!  They can't be recycled if placed in the big
   blue bins on each floor.

Please be mindful about correct recycling practices, since contamination
with non-recycleables can get the whole bin tossed!

For more info...
MIT's Recyclemania page:

Recyclemania page:

-Alison Takemura
Floor and Environmental Rep
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