[Tang-residents] MIT Ballroom Competition Invitation

Vikramaditya G. Yadav vgyadav at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 19 18:57:54 EDT 2010


Dancing with the Stars? So You Think You Can Dance? *
Come watch two-time *Blackpool World Champion Mirko* with his partner *Edita
 *at the MIT Open Ballroom Dance Competition!
Over *900 collegiate and amateur ballroom dancers* compete on Saturday &

Presented by the MIT Ballroom Dance Team

*2010 MIT Open Ballroom Dance Competition*
*All day Saturday & Sunday April 24 & 25, 2010
Rockwell Cage <http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=W33>*

Featuring showcase performance by
*World Champion Ballroom Dancers
Mirko Gozzoli and Edita Daniute*
*Saturday April 24, 2010 7pm
Rockwell Cage <http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=W33>*

Student Tickets $12 Advanced, $15 Door
Adult Tickets $20 Advanced, $25 Door

Visit ballroom.mit.edu/comp for tickets!
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