[Tang-residents] Fire Alarm testing

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 14 08:06:19 EDT 2009

Good Morning:
   In the next few weeks Housing will be doing our annual fall fire drills
in our Residence Hall System.   These drills are conducted to test the
system for accuracy and to monitor how well residents follow the building
evacuation plans.    Please remember that whenever the alarm sounds, it is
mandatory that each resident exit the building.  Please see below the
standards that the City of Cambridge Fire Department expects:
1) The city expects all residents to evacuate the building within 5 minutes.
The high-rises with 10 or more floors should be evacuated within 7 minutes.
2) Elevators can not be used to evacuate per state law. All residents must
use the stairs.
3) During the emergency evacuation, residents must exit the building using
the closest exit door to the stairwell; usually they are within the
stairwell.  During an emergency alarm, residents are allowed and encouraged
to use the alarmed exit doors. `The alarms are installed to ensure security
but must be ignored during an emergency.  Never go through the building to
exit the main front door.  If the stair exit opens to a courtyard, exit the
courtyard immediately using the gate to the street. Courtyards are not
considered safe staging areas.
4) When outside all residents must congregate in the building specific
staging area. This area must be away from the building to ensure the
residents are safe from the smoke and fire as well as the Fire Department
and MIT emergency response personnel are allowed easy access to the
building. Never block the entrance or main sidewalk.
5) No one is allowed to re-enter the building until the Fire Department
gives the all clear. City officials will work with MIT staff to return the
building to a safe environment as soon as possible and signal your return.
The City Fire Department grades each building on their success in quick and
safe evacuation; please help us show the city that MIT takes emergencies
seriously! Thank You all for your help. 


Tang Hall


Please move away from the building and gather around Westgate

Thank you
MIT Housing



Michael Collins



Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tang Residence Hall W84-104

Westgate Family Apartments

Housing Department

Office Tele. 617-253-5146

Office Fax   617-253-5094

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