[Tang-residents] Welcome to Tang Hall

Vikramaditya G. Yadav vgyadav at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 2 11:52:45 EDT 2009

Dear residents,

On behalf of the Tang Hall Residents' Association, I would like to take this
moment to cordially welcome you to Tang Hall. This promises to be an
exciting year for us. We are in midst of implementing several schemes aimed
at improving your residence life experience at Tang Hall and we sincerely
hope you avail of these facilities. Additionally, all residents interested
in participating in and/or assisting the THRA are urged to send an email to
tang-president at mit.edu to learn about ways you could contribute or simply
share your suggestions.

The THRA organizes regular social activities at Tang Hall, other locations
on campus as well as in the Greater Boston area and all residents are
welcome to attend these events. "The more, the merrier" is our motto! A
terse calendar of events has been posted at:
http://tang.mit.edu/www/others/orientation/ and more details about events
will be posted on all floors and common areas of Tang Hall as the dates for
these events approach. Additionally, you can contact the Tang Social Chairs
to find out more about how these events are conducted and suggest ideas for
future events. They can be reached at tang-social-chair at mit.edu.

As you may or may not be aware, Tang Hall is reputed across campus for the
competitiveness and success of its sports teams. Our collection of sports
accolades is a source of pride for all Tang residents and I strongly urge
that you participate in several of the fall sports intramural leagues. You
will all receive emails in the coming days about team sign-ups but you are
encouraged to contact tang-sports at mit.edu <tang-sports-chairs at mit.edu> if
you just can't wait!

This year, the THRA is organizing the Orientation Olympics as part of the
Graduate Students Orientation activities and this event will take place at
the Zesiger center (MIT's central gym) this Saturday from 3-9 pm. Food and
goodies are up for grabs if you show up and participate or simply watch some
of the sports events.

This year, we shall also be debuting our brand new Wii and the monstrous
collection of 30+ games that the THRA has put together for its residents.
Details on how to access and use the Wii in the lounges will be posted
shortly and many of these games will be debuted during the Wii Olympics on
September 13th. All residents are invited to attend and show their roommates
or neighbors who's boss.

A schedule of other orientation events can be located at

Other important information pertaining to Tang Hall - such as utilities,
recreation, repairs, grocery shopping etc. - can be located as
http://tang.mit.edu/www/ <http://tang.mit.edu/www/others/important/>

Once again, welcome to Tang Hall and I hope you have an enjoyable and
productive stay.

Vikramaditya G. Yadav
THRA President
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