[Tang-residents] THRA Elections

Paul Rene Monasterio pmonast at MIT.EDU
Sun Mar 15 17:44:05 EDT 2009

Dear Tang Residents,

Applications for positions in the Tang Hall Residents' Association are now
open. I have attached the application form and the bylaws describing all the
officer positions to this email. Both documents are also available in Tang's
website. All positions are open.

The THRA is the governing body of Tang Hall and its members are in charge of
organizing all social and athletic activities, coordinating any improvements in
Tang's facilities, and advocating in behalf of Tang residents to the MIT
community. Participating in the THRA is a great experience in leadership
development and service, as well as a lot of fun! As an additional perk, THRA
members do not participate in the housing allocation lottery and choose their

Please contact me if you have any questions or comments, and I also encourage
you to contact the current officers if you have specific questions about a
particular position.

Paul R. Monasterio
THRA President
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