[Tang-residents] New Piano downstairs

da.anderson@neu.edu da.anderson at neu.edu
Tue Jan 20 17:55:31 EST 2009

Hello Tang Hall Residents:

Hope you are enjoying the winter snow, inaugural events and the down time 
that you should be taking advantage of during IAP.

This is a notice that we now have a new Yamaha GC1 grand piano downstairs 
in the piano room.

Dawn & Larry

Dawn Anderson,  Director
International Study Programs
Northeastern University
101 Belvidere, first floor
360 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA  02115-5000
da.anderson at neu.edu

Tell me, and I will forget.  Show me, and I may remember.  Involve me, and 
I will understand.

Confucius (around 450 BC)
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