[Tang-residents] Tang dorm computing (fwd)

Jayashree Subramanian jaya at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 9 16:30:48 EST 2009

Please note the following message from MIT IS&T about wireless in tang...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 15:53:09 -0500
From: Stuart Peloquin <peloquin at MIT.EDU>
To: Jayashree Subramanian <jaya at mit.edu>
Subject: Re: Tang dorm computing

While we are looking into the wireless as a whole in Tang, that does not mean 
that there aren't individual problems that can be solved in the meantime.  The 
access points, like all other network devices, are subject to failure and 
problems every once in a while.  Residents should still be filing problem 
reports with the RCCs if the wireless isn't working as well as it has in the 
past has stopped working completely.  Residents should also all have ethernet 
connections in their rooms and if they need cables they can receive one from 


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