[Tang-residents] Welcome to Tang Hall

pmonast@MIT.EDU pmonast at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 1 23:11:10 EDT 2008

Dear new and old residents,

Welcome to a new year in Tang Hall. For those of you who just arrived to MIT, we
also extend a warm welcome from all of the MIT community and hope that you are
enjoying all of the Graduate Orientation activities.

Tang Hall is a very exciting community to be a part of, with a tradition of
friendliness, involvement, and participation in social and athletic activities.
We are thrilled to have you here and look forward to seeing you at any of our
social or outreach events, our brunches, lectures, or taking part in one of our
many successful intramural sports teams.

Every Wednesday we organize a weekly social event with activities ranging from
making your own sushi to karaoke to cruises in the Charles River. In addition
Tang hosts a variety of additional events so make sure to check our website
(http://tang.mit.edu) for the most current event information.

To start off the  socials for this semester, the Tang Hall's Residents
Association (THRA) and our housemasters, Dawn and Larry, would like to invite
you to our annual Welcome Ice Cream Social this Wednesday, September 3rd at 8
PM in the 24th Floor Lounge. During the Ice Cream Social we will provide
important information on the facilities and policies of Tang Hall, and our
athletics chairs will have sign-ups for the intramural teams for the year.

Information on this event as well as other Orientation activities can be found
at: http://tang.mit.edu/www/others/orientation/

In addition, we have compiled a list of useful links and information for you
which can be accessed at: http://tang.mit.edu/www/others/important/

We look forward to meeting you all.
Best Regards,

Paul R. Monasterio
President, Tang Hall's Residents Association

Larry and Dawn Anderson

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