[Tang-residents] New Locatioin

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 17 11:44:37 EST 2008

To all on campus residents:


Residential Life, Housing and Campus Dining are on the move. Our offices
will be moving from E19-429 to W59-200 on Thursday, November 20. To
accommodate this move, these offices will not be open for business on
Thursday November 20 and Friday November 21. Our voice mails will be
operating and we will periodically check our messages. If there is an
emergency, please dial 3-1500 and they will connect with our office.


This move allows us to be closer to the residence halls so please stop by to
see your new space if you can!

Linda Patton

Assistant Director, MIT Off Campus Housing



617-258-8163 (fax)


Please note our office will be moving on November 20, 2008 to W59-200. We
will be closed November 20 & 21.



Michael Collins



Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tang Residence Hall W84-104

Westgate Family Apartments

Housing Department

Office Tele. 617-253-5146

Office Fax   617-253-5094

Link for dorm repairs:



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