[Tang-residents] Dinner with MIT Dean Benedict at Tang: Tuesday, April 22nd, 6pme e-mail anton1@mit.edu to reserve a seat!] (fwd

Jayashree Subramanian jaya at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 17 12:45:42 EDT 2008

Dear Tang Residents,

What: Dinner with MIT Dean for Student Life, Dr. Larry Benedict
When: Tuesday, April 22nd, 6pm.
Where: Tang 24th floor lounge.
To do: Please send an e-mail to anton1 at mit.edu to reserve a place!!!!!!!!!!!

Vegetarian option will be available. Great food!

Please join us on Tuesday, April 22nd, at 6pm in the 24th floor lounge as we
welcome MIT Dean for Student Life Dr. Larry Benedict for our 2nd dinner of a
series of 3 dinners for this semester titled "Bringing MIT to Tang: What
Matters to Me and Why". Our main intent is to invite rare-to-get and
distinguished speakers from MIT to come to Tang and share a dinner with the
residents and the Housemasters, while candidly telling us about what matters to
them in life and why.

Please send an e-mail to anton1 at mit.edu to reserve a seat.


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