[Tang-residents] Teach for MEET!

Theodore Golfinopoulos golfit at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 20 02:31:32 EST 2007

* A unique cross-cultural teaching experience
* An exciting, important, and extraordinarily rewarding program
* An opportunity to work with highly motivated, excelling (and really
 cool!) Palestinian and Israeli high school students
* An all-expenses-paid seven-week trip to Jerusalem (including a
 generous stipend)
* Weekend trips to the Dead Sea, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean coast,
 and elsewhere
* A chance to make a difference

Sound like something you want to be a part of?

MEET (Middle East Education through Technology) is a high-octane
teaching program that brings together top Israeli and Palestinian high
school youth into a technology-based curriculum. The three-year
program runs all year round, but the five-week summer sessions are the
peak of activity - the heart of the program. And as MEET aims to be
the world's best youth-oriented educational program for computer
science and entrepreneurship, it needs the very best instructors

APPLICATIONS ARE ONLINE (see link at bottom).

Find out more from our website at http://meet.csail.mit.edu and
check out our video from
PLUS feel free to contact us at info at meet.csail.mit.edu

***Important Dates***
o INFORMATION MEETING! Come join us for dinner (on us!) and learn
 about MEET from past instructors! Wednesday, November 28: 6:00 PM,
 1-135 (http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?mapterms=1-135&mapsearch=go). 
 Can't make it? Look for us in Lobby 10 from Monday, November 26 to
 Wednesday, November 28.
o January 22-February 1: First ever MEET IAP Program and PROJECT DESIGN
 COMPETITION – help MEET to design its future CS projects and win big
 prizes! Check out the IAP catalog next week for more information.
o Tuesday, February 5: Second information meeting (time and place TBA)
o February 8: Online applications due


http://meet.csail.mit.edu/instructors (look for link under picture, and
check out Instructor FAQ)

CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS: We seek instructors who 
* are current MIT students (undergrad. or grad.) or alumni
* have at least a basic knowledge of computer science, particularly
 objected-oriented programming and Java (you don't need to be in Course
* have a passion for teaching
* are creative, team-oriented, and open-minded
* are ready for a challenge

Hoping to hear from you,


Theodore Golfinopoulos
Year 1 Instructor, Summer 2007
Recruitment Team, MEET

MIT-MEET is supported in part by CSAIL (MIT's Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory).


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