[Tang-residents] Tang Year In Review

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 2 08:56:21 EDT 2006

Welcome to Tang Hall!

Hello Residents!

For all of you new to the building, my name is 
Michael Collins and I am the Manager of Tang 
Hall. I am committed to ensuring that you achieve 
your personal or academic goals while they are 
residing in Tang Hall, and will work to provide a 
clean, inviting, and safe environment here at Tang Hall.

If you have a maintenance concern in your room or 
notice something in the building that needs to be 
addressed please use the online work order 
system: http://web.mit.edu/sapweb/PSI/facilities_home.shtml
Using this system guarantees that the request 
will be received.  During evenings, weekends and 
holidays or in the case of a facilities 
emergency, please call 3-1500 and ask for Housing Unit 12.

Tang Hall has an in house staff composed of  2 
Acme Cleaners  (Paul Snow and Roberto Pirolla) 
and 1 maintenance mechanic (Mark Hutton ).  They 
maintain bathrooms, hallways, and public areas.

During the Year, we have worked to improve and 
maintain the living conditions in Tang Hall.
·   Upcoming Projects/Projects already completed.

·   Exterior windows cleaned
·   24 Floors carpets professionally cleaned
·   New Windows will be installed on the NORTH SIDE (Suites A and F)
·   Each year 2 floors are completely carpeted 
(During AIP 06/07 floors 15 and 14) More 
information with schedule will follow when available.
·   Each year 5 floors completely painted 
including Bedrooms bathrooms and 
Kitchens.  (Upcoming soon will be floors 24 
through 20. More information with schedule will follow when available).
·   Each Year All kitchens and bathrooms will 
receive a visit buy our Housing Pest Control 
Company for Preventive Maintenance. (upcoming 
soon, more Information will follow)

Here are some fast facts about Tang Hall :
·   Trash Chutes are located in the stairwell on 
the West side of the building outside the E and F 
entry (Professionally Steam cleaned twice a year)
·   Lounge furniture is prohibited from student 
rooms.  Furniture assigned to a House Lounge area 
may NOT be removed for any reason.
·   Closet doors must remain in your room, if it 
has been removed you must store it, keep it someplace in your room.
·   Screens to Windows must stay attached to the Windows and not taken out
·   Please do not hang anything from pipes or 
sprinkler heads in your room or the hallways.
·   No Smoking is allowed or burning of candles

Spare Key at Desk:
Inform residents of spare key policy:
Each Room has a spare key located at the Tang 
Desk. This is only used for temporary use and is 
to be returned back to the Tang desk within 24 
hours to avoid any late fee charges to your bursars’ account.

Overnight Guest Policy:

  0vernight guests are not allowed on a long-term 
(i.e., longer than two nights per week) or 
permanent basis. Consideration should be given 
for the rights of roommates at all times. The 
final resolution of any situation of this nature 
is at the sole discretion of the Graduate 
Coordinator, Housemaster, and House Manager. You 
will be held responsible and accountable for the behavior of your guests.

If we have not had the opportunity to meet, feel 
to stop in my office, which is located in the 
Lobby acroos from the Tang Desk. My hours are 
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Friday.  You can reach me on 
x3-5146  or via e-mail, <mailto:collinsm at mit.edu>collinsm at mit.edu


Michael Collins , Housemanager

Tang Residence Hall
Westgate Apartments
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Housing Department
W84-104   617-253-5146
collinsm at mit.edu

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