[Tang-residents] MIT Annual Toy Drive

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 21 12:05:32 EST 2006



MIT Police, MIT Parking and Transportation and MIT Medical are again teaming

to offer you an opportunity to give to those less fortunate this holiday 



>From Monday, November 27 through Monday, December 18, 2006 you can donate 

a new, non-violent, unwrapped toy or a gift of warm winter clothing (hats, 

mittens, socks, etc.).  Toys and gifts can be dropped of at MIT Medical, 

at the MIT Police Station or at the Parking and Transportation Office.


If you happened to have received that unwanted *MIT* parking ticket this 

past year the MIT Parking and Transportation Office will once again 

sponsor a 'Toys for Tickets' program.  Yes, it really is true.  Instead of 

paying the fine on an outstanding MIT parking violation, the parking 

office will accept new, unopened toys to settle the ticket.  Just bring 

the parking violation, the toy and receipt to the parking office between 

November 27th and December 18th.  This program is open to anyone who has 

an outstanding MIT parking violation, regardless of the date of violation. 

The value of the toy or game must be of equal or greater value than the 

parking violation.


All gifts will be accepted between November 27 and December 18th. The 

gifts will be distributed to needy families who live in the living in the 

neighborhoods abutting the MIT campus.




Larry Brutti

Operations Manager

MIT Parking and Transportation





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