[Tang-residents] Fwd: Inventory all DVDs and videos
Michael Collins
collinsm at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 17 12:35:09 EST 2006
Inventory will have to continue until Monday.
>Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 15:15:06 -0500
>To: tang-residents at mit.edu
>From: Michael Collins <collinsm at mit.edu>
>Subject: Fwd: Inventory all DVDs and videos
>>Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:13:43 -0500
>>To: tang-residents at mit.edu
>>From: Michael Collins <collinsm at mit.edu>
>>Subject: Inventory all DVDs and videos
>>Tang Hall and Westgate Residents
>>Beginning next week, Tang Desk will inventory all DVDs and videos in
>>order to update its movie database.
>>Please return to the Tang Desk ALL MOVIES you have checked out by
>>THURSDAY MARCH 16TH to avoid any late charges or fees charged to your
>>bursars account
>>Movie lending will be closed from Monday March 13 through Friday March 17
>>to facilitate the database updating.
>>Thank you.
>>Michael Collins
>>Tang Residence Hall
>>Westgate Apartments
>>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>>Housing Department
>>W84-104 617-253-5146
>>collinsm at mit.edu
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