[Tang-residents] Fwd: Spring Break Airport Shuttle

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 13 13:15:40 EST 2006

>The Parking and Transportation Office will once again provide shuttle 
>service to Logan Airport for the Spring Break.   Shuttles will be 
>available on Friday, March 24 and Saturday, March 25.  Advance 
>reservations are required.   Please visit the Parking and Transportation 
>Office web site 
>for details and shuttle availability. The shuttle fee is $7.00.  All 
>reservations will be processed via the web site and the shuttle fee will 
>be billed to student bursar accounts or via employee payroll deductions.
>Shuttles will depart from the Kresge parking lot at the scheduled time, 
>and will not wait for late arriving passengers.  Normal trip time from MIT 
>to Logan Airport is about a half-hour, but please allow up to one hour for 
>this trip.  Traffic, construction and Airport Security delays should be 
>Have a great Spring Break!
>Larry Brutti
>Operations Manager
>MIT Parking and Transportation
>tel:  617-253-5142
>fax: 617-258-6357

Michael Collins
Tang Residence Hall
Westgate Apartments
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Housing Department
W84-104   617-253-5146
collinsm at mit.edu

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