[Tang-residents] FW: Winter break airport shuttle

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 11 12:04:44 EST 2006




The Parking and Transportation Office will once again provide shuttle
service to Logan Airport for the Winter Break.   Shuttles will be available
on Wednesday December 20, Thursday, December 21, Friday, December 22 and
Saturday, December 23.  Advance reservations are required.   Please visit
the Parking and Transportation Office web site
http://web.mit.edu/facilities/transportation/shuttles/airport.html for
details and shuttle availability. All reservations will be processed via the
web site and the shuttle fee of $7.00 will be billed to student bursar
accounts or via employee payroll deductions. 

Shuttles will depart from the Kresge parking lot at the scheduled time and
Luggage restrictions will be strictly enforced. Normal trip time from MIT to
Logan Airport is about a half-hour, but please allow up to one hour for this
trip.  Traffic, construction and Airport Security delays should be expected.


Have a great Winter Break!



Larry Brutti

Operations Manager

MIT Parking and Transportation


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