[Tang-residents] : Bldg.W84 Cold Domestic and Fire Protection Water Shutdown
Michael Collins
collinsm at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 23 10:05:09 EST 2005
To all Tang Residents
>Water Shut Down TUESDAY 11/29 10:30 TO 2:30
I apologize for the inconvenience Thanks for your patience
>>The following cold domestic and fire protection water shutdown request
>>for Bldg. W84 on Tuesday, November 29, 2005, 10:30am - 2:30pm, is for
>>your information and response.
>>Cathy Honan
>>Repair and Maintenance
>>Type: Normal
>>Date: November 29, 2005
>>Day: Tuesday
>>Time: 10:30am - 2:30pm
>>Building(s): W84
>>Room(s): All
>>System: Cold domestic and fire protection water
>>Duration: 4:00hrs
>>Separate systems, sprinkler and domestic water
>>Loss of cold domestic and fire protection water for the duration of the
>>shutdown.The Safety Office will be advised of this and notify the Fire
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