[Tang-residents] Freezing Cold temperatures

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 19 08:46:34 EST 2005


  Several call have been received reporting no heat or not enough heat.
Please make sure all windows are closed and LOCKED to prevent the cold air 
from entering your room. Also if your a/c panel has not been properly 
sealed please open a work order 
http://web.mit.edu/facilities/www/housing/  along with any windows that 
need to be taped and sealed to eliminate the draft of cold air and my 
mechanic will respond.

I have contacted facilities requesting operations to make sure we are 
operating at 100% during this freezing cold.

Thank you

Michael Collins
Tang Residence Hall
Westgate Apartments
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Housing Department
W84-104  617-253-5146
collinsm at mit.edu
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