[Tang-residents] THRA Positions Available - Deadline April 27, 2005
Ulas Ziyan
ulas at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 22 12:04:31 EDT 2005
Tang Residents,
THRA positions are available for the 2005-2006 academic year.
THRA is the student government at Tang Hall, promoting social
interaction and to improve the quality of life for Tang Hall residents.
We are currently seeking additional THRA officers for the 2005-2006
academic year. Officers are expected to serve from June 1, 2005 to May
31, 2006.
The exact positions for the new recruits will be decided after the
Applications are available at the Front Desk and on the Tang web site:
http://web.mit.edu/tang/www/announcements/THRA application.pdf
A detailed description of the THRA positions is available at
http://web.mit.edu/tang/www/government/THRA jobs.pdf
Complete applications should be returned to the Front Desk or to the
House Manager's Office by: Wednesday, April 27, 2005.
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