[Tang-residents] House to House Transfer Information
Ulas Ziyan
ulas at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 26 11:14:50 EDT 2004
The House to House Transfer Lottery is now open for regularly registered
Single graduate students. Through this lottery you can request to move
to a different building in the Single Graduate Housing System.
Senior Segue students and visitors are not eligible to transfer buildings.
In addition, because of the limited spaces in Family Housing and the
large demand for Family Housing, students living in Family housing are
not eligible for the house to house Transfer Lottery. If you currently
live in Single Housing, and need to move to Family Housing, you may
enter the Spring Assignments Lottery for Family Housing:
Please note that entering the Transfer Lottery is a serious
commitment. If you receive an assignment through this lottery, you MUST
MOVE or else LOSE YOUR CURRENT HOUSING. This is because when we give
you an assignment, we then assign your current room to someone else in
the lottery. One student's failure to move propagates through the
system and can adversely affect everyone else. For this reason, please
only indicate preferences for buildings and room types where you are
willing to live. You may find information about all of our buildings at
http://web.mit.edu/housing/grad/residences.html and you are welcome to
visit any of the buildings at any time.
You may enter your preferences between now and November 21st at
midnight. Results of the process will be emailed to all applicants
during the week of November 22. You may withdraw from the lottery
any time before the deadline by submitting a form with all the
preferences set to "none".
If you receive a transfer assignment, your move date will be assigned by
the Graduate Housing Office and will fall between December 1st and
January 15th.
Please note that neither your old nor your new room will be
professionally cleaned due to time constraints. Please be considerate
of the person moving in after you.
Please be sure to review the additional rules and guidelines on the
lottery page before entering, and feel free to direct any questions to
graduatehousing at mit.edu
To enter the House-to-House Transfer, please follow the link and submit
an application:
Good luck!
Graduate Housing Office
Hilary Parkinson
Family and NW30 Housing Coordinator
MIT Graduate Housing, E32-238
AIM: mitgradhousing
Phone: 617-253-5148 Fax: 617-252-1001
Office hours are from 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
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